
Sunday, 18 April 2021

An awesome day out!

 Hello to the people who are here to view my blog!

So yesterday my auntie came to my house. She just came to visit me and my siblings. She also came with my cousin Mele. Its was such an amazing day. So first she took as to Marthas backyard. If you dont know what that place is its actually a American store. You can buy food and supplies. I saw these mexican lollies so i got them it was called vero elotes. If you buy them you might not like it but you will get used to it once you keep on buying it. So that was the first place we went to. Then after that we went to my cousins house her name is josephine. She did come to our school but then she went college. She is now 18 close to 19 years of age. Anyways back to the story so we went to her house and stayed there for about 3 hours then it got dark. They planned to go out for the night so we had to get dropped of back home to my house. So we were just about to go then my cousin came and asked to get dropped of to work!. His names uoka it kinda sounds like walker. If you have watched cougar boys before he is in there. hes hardly in any videos because he takes care of his son. So we went to town to drop him off i was lucky because i got to drop him off because i didn't want to go home. After the drop off we went to Mc donald to get something for me and my cousin to eat. My auntie got me 2 burgers and 2 fries. Then i finally got dropped off home!. Finally got to rest. I had awesome day out with my auntie!

Thanks to the viewers on my blog for being here today make sure to leave a positive comment on my blog thank you!

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